About Us
learn more about what makes Parker Security different
No Long Term Contracts
Don’t get locked into a 3 year or longer contract. Be with a company you’re not committed to, but is committed to you! Committed to get the job done right, and continue to get it right.
Happy to Help
Don’t be left waiting weeks to get a battery changed, or a contract on your back door replaced. Let us take care of you like no one else can. When you call us, you get a human being who can help you over the phone and resolve your needs.
Family Run & Operated
Jim started the company in 2002 with a desire to provide a product that is affordable but also exceeded the industry standards. As the company has grown, we have been able to maintain the “family run” title and keep that personal touch. When you call, you’ll talk to the same person every time.

Now that you know about us, let us get to know you!
Call to talk to us at the office today!
TX Security Lic. B18597
TX Fire Lic. ACR-2211970